Saturday 3 March 2012

How to make Mayonnaise Easier

A smooth and delicious sauce made from egg yolks, oil, vinegar, and mustard, mayonnaise is perhaps the most popular of all cold sauces and forms the basis of numerous variations. It is especially good with poached and deep-fried fish, cold fish and shellfish, and cold meats. Olive oil can be rather overpowering in
mayonnaise, so I recommend the use of an unflavored oil such as sunflower or canola. Being a bit of a traditionalist, I prefer to make mayonnaise using a whisk and bowl, but—for those keen on saving labor—I have also included a method using a blender or food processor. Before you start, make sure all ingredients,
especially eggs and oil, are at room temperature, since they are difficult to emulsify when cold. To establish the emulsion right from the beginning, add the oil literally drop by drop to start with.

Makes 11⁄4 cups
2 egg yolks
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp white wine vinegar
1 cup sunflower or canola oil
2 tsp lemon juice.

1.Place the egg yolks, mustard, and vinegar in a mixing bowl. Add a pinch each of salt and pepper (for preference, white pepper).

2.Steady the bowl on a dampened kitchen towel and pour in the oil—drop by drop to begin with, then a drizzle—whisking all the time.

3. Add the oil in a steady stream as the sauce begins to thicken, whisking continuously to keep the emulsion stable.

4. When all the oil has been incorporated and the mayonnaise is thick, stir in the lemon juice and adjust the seasoning to taste.

Classic mayonnaise-based sauces

Aïoli (garlic mayonnaise)
Add 4 crushed garlic cloves to the egg yolks, then continue as for the master recipe. Perfect
with hot or cold fish and as a dip for vegetables.

Rouille (chili mayonnaise)
Add a pinch of saffron and 1⁄4 tsp cayenne pepper to aïoli (above). Traditionally served
with the Mediterranean fish soup bouillabaisse.

Tartar sauce
Add 21⁄2 tbsp finely chopped gherkins, 2 tbsp rinsed and chopped capers, 2 tbsp chopped parsley, 2 tbsp chopped chervil, and 2 chopped shallots to the finished mayonnaise. Good with deep-fried and pan-fried fish.

Add 1 finely chopped anchovy fillet and 2 tbsp chopped tarragon to tartar sauce (left). Serve
with cold meats, cold fish, and fried fish.

Truffle mayonnaise
Replace 1 tbsp of the sunflower or canola oil with truffle oil, then add a little finely shaved truffle to the finished mayonnaise. Great with fish, vegetables, and cold meats.

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